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How to Speed ​​Up Blog Loading time (Google PageSpeed ​​Insight)

How to Accelerate and Improve Your Blog Loading Speed ​​of time is a much sought-after by way of the bloggers, including me this. This is because the loading speed of a blog is one of the important factors for building a good blog. On previous occasions, I never gave the article on the old blog loading causes and remedies. In the article I have outlined some points on how to speed up loading this old blog.

However, on this occasion, I will give you how to speed up loading the blog useful to complete the article. If I give way first blog loading speed check using Pingdom, this time as an indicator we will use the tool to determine the loading speed of a blog is Google google PageSpedd Insight.

By using these tools in addition to providing a score which is the value or the value of the speed of loading the blog. You are also given a lot of features to make your identification, for example, was the assessment of the speed of blog loading the mobile version and the PC, it is a priority to be fixed, as well as advice and how to fix it.

So, how to use a tool from Google to speed up blog loading?
It's easy really, you just need to go the site is

https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insight, then you input the URL / address of your blog in the "Enter the web page URL" and click "Analyze"

By doing so google PageSpeed ​​insight will display the value of the speed of your blog with things that should be corrected. In addition, Google also provide advice / how to fix it. Some of the problems can be fixed to speed up loading normally blog:

Compress CSS and HTML 

Compressing an activity to minimize and streamline the code in our blogs that will help speed up the loading of your blog. If you want to know how to read How to Compress Css How To Compress Html blogs and blog

Hosting your CSS and Javascript 

By hosting the css and javascript all of your blog, especially for those who use blogspot, your blog will terload faster because the browser will display your content in advance as well as to show the style and java code. Browser only process from the source host your personal different to that of others so that it will be faster of course. I myself do not do this way because I am a type of person who like to edit my blog templete, so it will be a little more difficult in my opinion if need be hosting the css of my blog

Compressing the image 

Images or photos shown to support articles and tutorials will greatly help the reader and provide an attractive appearance on the blog, but the picture is one of the biggest factors that make your blog loading time, and therefore try to compress the photo pengkompress applications.

In addition to some of the above is still much that can be done to speed up the loading blog like removing widgets, using plain blog background and so on. However, it is relative and depends on the current condition of your blog. Therefore use PageSpeed ​​insight and see things you should fix it on your blog to find out how to speed up your blog loading the old.

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