1. Go to the next page
2. Once you enter your account and password, you
will be redirected to the menu as shown below
3. Choose the menu Services> Delete entire
Google account
4. Click "Close entire account and delete all
services and information associated with it"
5. Once you do step No. 4, you will be redirected
to the menu as shown below
Before performing the next step, you should peruse the
"warning" from Google about the result after you delete a Google
account. Essentially all of the information associated with that account will
be deleted forever. You can choose whether to remove one or some or all of the
services associated with your Google account by clicking the small box to the
left of the Google AdSense service, Web History, Gmail, Google Talk, and
6. Once you truly believe, the next step is to
confirm the choices you have specified in Step 6 to enter your password and
then click "Delete Google Account".
7. To cancel your Google account deletion process
just click on "Cancel"
Good luck :)
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